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Create files with sensitive data

For the security reasons, create the TXT files with the sensitive data.

Using the container manager

If you are using Portainer (or another) to manage containers, you can skip this step. Set all the environment variables required for Secretium using the built-in mechanisms.

Secretium will use these files in the Docker Secrets service when creating the container. This is a good practice when you need to keep the credentials in a secure location, but have access to them inside the container.

Naming of the TXT files

You can use any name for the TXT files. Don't forget to change it in the docker-compose.yml file.

File with the secret key

Create a TXT file for the secret key to encrypt data:

echo "this-is-my-secret-key-123" > secretium_key.txt


Please treat it with due consideration! Specify a really complex sequence of numbers, letters and special characters. The length must not be less than 16 characters.

File with the master username

Create a TXT file for the master username to login to the dashboard as admin:

echo "this-is-my-master-username" > secretium_master_username.txt


Please treat it with due consideration! The minimum length is 4 and the maximum is 16 characters.

File with the master password

Create a TXT file for the master password to login to the dashboard as admin:

echo "this-is-my-master-password-123" > secretium_master_password.txt


Please treat it with due consideration! Specify a really complex sequence of numbers, letters and special characters. The minimum length is 8 and the maximum is 16 characters.

File with the domain name

Create a TXT file for the domain name of the project to share links:

echo "" > secretium_domain.txt

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